Financial information

We’ll ask to look into your finances

We’ll ask you for details about your income, savings and expenses, but we won’t share this information with anyone else without your permission.

If you won’t give us your information, we’ll assume you’re able to pay for your care and will charge you the full amount. (See: how we work out what your care costs)

Usually, we won’t have to visit you to do our assessment. But if we do, we’ll arrange it in advance and carry ID. So if you get an unexpected visit from someone claiming to be from the council and asking for personal financial information, don’t give it to them and call us on 020 8303 7777 to let us know straight away.

Start by filling out this form (PDF)*

* This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Request an accessible format

If a disability means you’re spending more, we might bear that in mind

If we do, it might reduce the amount you pay (we won’t increase anything we’re paying you). 

We’ll ask to see receipts or proof of:

  • extra laundry costs
  • extra heating costs
  • care services you’ve privately arranged and paid for as part of your care plan
  • garden maintenance
  • other costs not covered by the service 

We won’t look into these extra disability costs if:

  • you’ve already been told you won’t have to pay towards your care or
  • you’ve already agreed to pay the total cost of your care

There are some things we will not charge you for

You do not have to contribute to the cost of:

  • Intermediate care’ - including reablement, which will be provided free of charge for up to six weeks to assist a person to maintain or regain the ability to live independently. These services are provided to people, usually older people, after they have left hospital or when they are at risk of being sent to hospital
  • community equipment (aids and minor adaptations). Aids must be provided free of charge to meet, prevent, or delay needs. A minor adaptation is one which costs £1000 or less
  • your care and support if you have variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD)
  • any support or aftercare provided under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983
  • any service or part of a service which the NHS is under a duty to provide including NHS Continuing Healthcare and the NHS contribution to Registered Nursing Care
  • any services which a local authority is under a duty to provide through other legislation
  • your financial assessment, a needs assessment or the preparation of a care and support plan