Local Plan monitoring

The Council produces reports related to its Development Plan that are required by legislation.

Local Plan Monitoring Reports

The Council monitors the effectiveness of its local plan policies and publishes reports that cover a 12-month period. These reports also help the Government and the Mayor of London assess how successfully Bexley's policies support national and regional planning policies.

A monitoring report for the new Bexley Local Plan, adopted 26 April 2023, will be prepared and published after the first 12-month implementation period of the plan.

Assessment of five-year housing land supply

The Council must publish information on whether there are enough deliverable sites to meet the area's housing needs over the next five years. The Council considers that it is on course to exceed its London Plan housing requirement over the next five years.

Housing Delivery Test action plan

In November 2018 the Government introduced the Housing Delivery Test as a standardised method of monitoring housing delivery across the country. The Housing Delivery Test measurement for each local planning authority is published annually, with consequences applying for different levels of under-delivery. Information is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and the Housing Delivery Test measurement rule book.

In the 2021 measurement, published by the Government on 14 January 2022, the Council delivered 93% of its housing requirement and, as a consequence is required to publish an Action Plan. Performance against this test will vary year on year depending on the nature of development activity within the borough that the Council does not directly control. The 2022 measurement has not been published by the Government.