Bexley's adult social care policies

We want to make life safer and better for adults and carers in our community. So we make sure our services and policies are all governed by the Care Act 2014.

That means the way we assess social care needs, decide who is eligible for support and work out what contribution each person can make to their care are all in line with the government’s care and support statutory guidance.

Some other guidance we use in our work includes:

How we plan our adult social care work

We want to make sure you have choices in the way you’re cared for and support you in living an independent life. This strategy explains how we approach that.

We also have a specific strategy for supporting older residents, called Ageing Well (PDF). A number of partners help us with that work, and we’re keen to hear from any others interested in joining us. Email if your organisation could be one of them.

Information for health and social care providers

We work closely with health and social care service providers in Bexley who share our vision, to give all our residents the chance to live better for longer.

Our Market Position Statement is for care providers. We set out what we think our community's current opportunities and future needs are. We’re always looking for innovative proposals from all sectors to help us fill areas of high demand. We’re especially keen to see proposals for extra care housing for older residents and supported living for young adults with complex needs.

Adult Social Care Charging Policy

The London Borough of Bexley has an Adult Social Care Charging Policy (PDF) which follows government guidance. The policy explains the criteria used to determine levels of charging for particular services, including how the Council wishes to apply its discretion locally to charge people in settings other than care homes. Our fees and charges are reviewed annually. Further information is also available about paying for residential care and paying for care at home.