Movement in Reserves Statement

This statement shows the movement in the year on the different reserves held by the Council, analysed into usable reserves and unusable reserves, and shows the increase or decrease in the net worth of the Council. It provides an explanation of the changes in, and movements between, reserve accounts to increase or reduce the resources available to the Council. It shows how the Council's total Comprehensive Income and Expenditure is allocated to the Council's reserves. The Surplus or (Deficit) on the provision of Services, Other Comprehensive Income and Expenditure and Total Comprehensive Income and Expenditure are shown in more detail on the face of the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement.

Movement in Reserves Statement 2020/21
  General Fund Balance
in thousands of pounds
Earmarked Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Total General Fund Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Capital Receipts Reserve
in thousands of pounds
Capital Grants Unapplied Account
in thousands of pounds
Total Usable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Unusable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Total Council Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Balance At 1 April 2020 (10,143) (26,866) (37,009) (400) (5,499) (42,908) (429,585) (472,493)
Reporting of Schools Budget Deficit to new Adjustment Account   (8,046)       (8,046) 8,046  
Restated balance at 1 April 2020 (10,143) (34,912) (37,009) (400) (5,499) (50,954) (421,539) (472,493)
Movement in Reserves during 2020/21:
Deficit/(Surplus) on Provision of Services (Accounting Basis)
14,093 none 14,093 none none 14,093 none 14,093
Other Comprehensive Income none none none none none none (18,827) (18,827)
Total Comprehensive (Income)/Expenditure 14,093 none 14,093 none none 14,093 (18,827) (4,734)
Adjustments Between Accounting Basis and Funding Basis Under Regulations (Note 9) (60,337) none (60,337) (2,887) (718) (63,942) 63,942 none
Net (Increase) Before Transfers To Earmarked Reserves (46,244) none (46,244) (2,887) (718) (49,849) 45,115 (4,734)
Other adjustments:
Transfers To/(From) Earmarked Reserves (Note 10)
43,132 (43,132) none none none none none none
(Increase)/Decrease In Year (3,112) (43,132) (46,244) (2,887) (718) (49,849) 45,115 (4,734)
Balance At 31 March 2021 (13,255) (78,044) (91,299) (3,287) (6,217) (100,803) (376,424) (477,227)
Movement in Reserves Statement 2019/20
  General Fund Balance
in thousands of pounds
Earmarked Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Total General Fund Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Capital Receipts Reserve
in thousands of pounds
Capital Grants Unapplied Account
in thousands of pounds
Total Usable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Unusable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Total Council Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Balance At 1 April 2019 (12,732) (30,626) (43,358) (1,892) (12,684) (57,934) (448,434) (506,368)
Reporting of Schools Budget Deficit to new Adjustment Account                
Restated balance at 1 April 2019 (12,732) (30,626) (43,358) (1,892) (12,684) (57,934) (448,434) (506,368)
Movement in Reserves during 2019/20:
Deficit/(Surplus) on Provision of Services (Accounting Basis)
115,135 none 115,135 none none 115,135 none 115,135
Other Comprehensive Income none none none none none none (81,260) (81,260)
Total Comprehensive (Income)/Expenditure 115,135 none 115,135 none none 115,135 (81,260) 33,875
Adjustments Between Accounting Basis and Funding Basis Under Regulations (Note 9) (108,786) none (108,786) (1,492) (7,185) (100,109) 100,109 none
Net (Increase) Before Transfers To Earmarked Reserves 6,349 none 6,349 1,492 7,185 15,026 18,849 33,875
Other adjustments:
Transfers To/(From) Earmarked Reserves (Note 10)
(3,760) 3,760 none none none none none none
(Increase)/Decrease In Year 2,589 3,760 6,349 1,492 7,185 15,026 18,849 33,875
Balance At 31 March 2020 (10,143) (28,866) (37,009) (400) (5,499) (42,908) (429,585) (472,493)