Erith Pier

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Cost of living

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Your borough, you shape it. Bexley 2050 logo.

Council seeks views on current and future priorities

Bexley is asking everyone who lives, works or studies in the borough what is important to them now and in the future

Find out more about the 2050 vision

Drawn image of a hand posting a vote into a ballot box

Election results

The Election of a Councillor for Belvedere Ward was held on Thursday 17 October 2024

Find out more about the election

Cllr Smith and Cllr Diment with the new cleaning vehicles

Keeping Bexley clean and green

The Council’s waste and recycling contractor Countrystyle are investing over £450k to keep Bexley clean and green

Find out more about the investment

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About the Council

Bexley Civic Centre chamber
Democracy in Bexley
Find your Councillor, what ward you live in and all about democracy and elections in Bexley