Polling station review survey
Tell us about your voting experience
Following the General Election we would like to hear from anyone who used a polling station in Bexley.
We are keen to know about anything you may like to comment on including disability access issues, parking and the service you received in your polling station on the day.
We also want to know your thoughts on our polling districts. Polling districts are the areas which we use to decide where you should vote – each polling district has a polling place (normally a building) in which there is a polling station.
Anyone can take part including elected representatives, local political groups and voluntary and community groups.
We would like to hear your views via this survey but you can also make your views known on any aspect of elections and voting by writing to:
- Head of Electoral Services, London Borough of Bexley, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT
Alternatively, you can email elections.office@bexley.gov.uk
The information you provide will be published and shared with other electors and stakeholders but we will not share your personal information or details.
If you agree, we may respond directly to you or contact you for further information.
The consultation will end on 5pm on 17 October 2024.
Thank you for taking part in this consultation.