Bexley’s annual childcare sufficiency survey

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Bexley’s Early Years Team is asking parents and carers of young children to take part in its annual childcare sufficiency survey.

This survey is to find out from parents and carers what their experiences and needs are in relation to childcare.

The information will help to make sure there are enough high-quality childcare places at the times and in the areas where families need it.

The data collected is used to compare parental requirements against childcare provider’s capacity.

To take part visit the online survey.

The survey takes a few minutes to complete. The survey will close on Friday 15 December.

All of your answers will remain confidential and you will not be identified in any way in the reporting and use of this survey.

If you would like help completing this survey or would like a copy of the survey in a different language or format, please contact us on 0203 045 4904 or email