The London Borough of Bexley has issued its formal organisational response to the NHS ‘10 Year Health Plan’ consultation.
The response highlights the importance the Council places on the health and resilience of Bexley residents and the right for access to care that will meet the borough’s needs.
Key issues that the response sets out include:
- fair access to good quality acute services
- fairer Public Health funding for Bexley
- ambitions for Dementia care
- improvements to mental health system
- support for unpaid carers
Leader of the Council and Chairman of the Bexley Health and Wellbeing Board, Cllr Baroness O’Neill of Bexley OBE said:
We welcomed the opportunity to put the Council’s viewpoint over.
It was important that we were mindful of issues that give us the most challenges in our response.
We are unique as a London Borough in that we do not have our own general hospital and have to rely on ‘out of borough’ provision.
We also have to ensure that our brilliant Queen Mary’s campus continues to be well used and invested in going forward.
These are issues that have a real effect on the health and wellbeing of our residents and it was good to be able to raise them as part of our response to this important consultation.”
Residents can find out more about the consultation on the NHS website.
Read the formal London Borough of Bexley response on the Democracy website (PDF)