The Council is consulting developers, landowners and decision makers on a draft Supplementary Planning Document to provide additional guidance on development across the Borough.
The aim of the draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to improve design quality across the Borough’s built environment promoting sustainable, inclusive, high-quality designs.
The Design Guide SPD – Design Principles builds upon the policies set out in the Bexley Local Plan with specific guidance that promotes the good design of Bexley’s buildings and public spaces.
The Design Principles document is the first in a series of SPDs which set out London Borough of Bexley’s expectations on what is required to develop well-designed places and buildings.
Councillor Munur, Bexley’s Cabinet Member for Growth said;
Whilst we recognise the need to facilitate more homes being built in Bexley we are determined to ensure that Bexley residents are at the forefront of any development. The draft Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document will ensure future developments protect the local character of our Borough and contribute positively to our community. We are committed to achieving the right kind of growth that benefits new and existing residents.”
The consultation is available online at DGSPD Design Principles consultation | London Borough of Bexley.
A survey on the content of the Supplementary Planning Document is also available online at DGSPD consultation survey | London Borough of Bexley.
The consultation is open from 22 July 2024 until 13 September 2024.
Paper copies of the documents, including the Design Guide SPD – Design Principles, can be viewed during normal office hours at the Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT and at all libraries across the Borough.
You can also email your views to SP&Gteam@bexley.gov.uk with the subject heading: DGSPD – Design Principles or write to: Strategic Planning, London Borough of Bexley, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT. Correspondence must be received by 5pm on 13 September 2024.
Three public consultation events will be held across the Borough during the consultation period with attendance from Council officers providing an opportunity to give feedback in person. Information on dates and locations for these local events will be available shortly.