Erith Library

Image of the front of Erith Library

We are sorry that Erith Library continues to be closed.

Ongoing work to the building, owned and managed by Hexagon Housing Association Ltd, is presenting a number of health and safety issues.

We are working closely with Hexagon to resolve these issues as soon as possible and currently seeking expert professional advice to ensure that the library can re-open safely.

We will resume the service in Erith Library as quickly as possible, but we will not put people’s safety at risk.

Until we are able to fully reopen Erith Library we are exploring alternative arrangements. In the meantime, we will be extending the opening hours of Crayford Library as a temporary measure.

While Erith Library is closed, the borrowing period on items will automatically be extended. Customers will not be charged for any overdue items.

Keep up to date with information on Erith Library along with details of other libraries across the borough.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.