Secondary school offers in Bexley

Primary school students walking side by side

Offers of secondary school places for September 2024 were made on Friday 1 March.

This year 98.74% of parents in Bexley applied online and will have received an email the same evening after 5pm. The email advises applicants to log in to their e-admissions account, which will have their child’s offer and advice on what to do if they did not get their first preference.

Letters were posted on Friday 1 March by first class post to those who applied using a paper form.

There were 3,017 applications from Bexley residents, 68% of pupils received their first preference and 96% got a place at one of their chosen preferred schools – A higher figure than the pan-London average of 94%.

Councillor Caroline Newton, Cabinet Member for Education, said:

Finding out which secondary school you are going to is such a momentous occasion for Bexley’s primary school students and their families. It marks the transition to the next chapter of their education journey. We are excited to share the news of their designated secondary schools. Thank you to Bexley’s Schools Admissions team for their efforts in facilitating this important step, guiding our students and their families toward a promising future at their chosen schools.”