Statement on ULEZ expansion

Montage of ULEZ sign and map of east London showing the planned expansion of the ULEZ

Council Leader Councillor Baroness O'Neill of Bexley OBE issued this statement following the announcement by the Mayor of London on 25 November that he has decided to expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) across all the London boroughs from 29 August 2023.

Our decisive election victory in May saw our residents give us a mandate to oppose the extension of the ULEZ.

"We are an outer London borough with poor transport connections, which means that many people are reliant on their cars, including many who travel into the borough from outside London. 

"The ULEZ charge will impact disproportionately on those on lower incomes, which includes many key workers, and we are very concerned about the impact it will have on them, on essential services and local businesses."