Referrals to the Family Wellbeing Service

The Family Wellbeing team aims to provide help to families early, to prevent difficulties from becoming worse.

The team works with children and families from 0 to 18 years old, where there is one or more of the following:

  • the permanent exclusion of a child from school
  • the risk of school exclusion and school attendance issues
  • parental or carer mental ill-health
  • parental learning disability
  • parental domestic abuse
  • parental drug or alcohol misuse
  • low-level neglect
  • physical chastisement

The team has 12 family keyworkers who work directly with children and families, providing advice, help and support, they will work with families for up to six months.

Making a referral 

Parents and children can refer themselves, by phone, email or by writing to the Children’s Services Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

Professionals working with a child and family can make referrals, however, it is a voluntary service and professionals must obtain consent from the parent to make a referral. If consent is not received, the referral cannot be accepted. You will need to complete a referral form with parents written consent provided.

Make a referral

If you are not sure whether the family meets the criteria for a service and would like some advice, you can contact the Children’s Services Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and ask for a consultation to talk it through with the service.

A senior social worker in the MASH will review the information received, check their records and if necessary make some additional enquiries. This will be done within one working day and a decision will be made about whether the family meet the criteria for the service.

The MASH will confirm receipt of your referral within 24 hours of the written record, stating the outcome of the referral.

Contacting MASH


  • 020 3045 5440
    Business hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)
  • Out of hours 020 8303 7777 or 020 8303 7171
    (Monday to Friday and weekends 6pm to 8am)


Civic Offices
2 Watling Street
Bexleyheath DA6 7AT