Partnership delivery in 2023

  • A detailed record of partnership delivery that took place during 2023 can be found in Appendix E.

In summary, the CSP continued to tackle its Violent Crime priority through joint working, identifying risks and trends, and commissioning services that support victims and families effected by serious violence. Perpetrators were robustly managed and mentored, encouraging them to make better life choices.

The partnership network has expanded to include a wide range of voluntary and community sector organisations, further strengthening our multi-agency approach and the importance to work inclusively and innovatively with the community.

The police continued to be pro-active in their response to tackling violent crime and disrupting criminal networks that facilitated violence, predominantly through County Lines.

Multi-agency case management panels take place that hold high risk cases of victims, and perpetrators of exploitation and violence. Focusing on adolescent vulnerability and risk, they include all aspects of contextual safeguarding.