BCSP Strategic Delivery Group and Delivery Plan

BCSP Strategic Delivery Group

The BCSP Strategic Delivery Group sits under the BCSP Board and strategically coordinates actions from the Delivery Plan to help reduce crime and disorder offences in the borough. The group meets quarterly, and each meeting is ‘themed’ to a different priority.

BCSP Delivery Plan

The BCSP strategy produced for 2022-25 is underpinned by a Delivery Plan. The overarching objectives are set out below and overall, reflect the findings of the current JSA and Bexley Community Safety Survey:

  • keep people who live, work, study or visit Bexley safe by reducing crime and disorder, antisocial behaviour, reoffending and combating substance misuse 
  • and, act upon any barriers that prevent people who live, work, study or visit Bexley from feeling safe, to be a place where people can go about their everyday lives, day or night, confident in the knowledge that this is a place where people treat each other fairly and with respect, and they are safe from harm or the effects of crime and disorder

In working together, the BCSP has also adopted the following principles:

  • facilitate partnership working and information sharing processes between relevant agencies
  • support the development of intelligence around local crime and antisocial behaviour to enable resources to be deployed effectively
  • manage and oversee the delivery of the BCSP strategic delivery group and work processes to bring about reductions in crime and antisocial behaviour
  • to ensure that all agencies are supporting and training staff for effective partnership delivery

The delivery plan outlines the actions and outcomes against the themed areas of Community, Engagement, Priority response, Funding and Communication. On a bi-annual basis, it is the responsibility of the delivery group Chair to coordinate the collation of updated commentary against the actions and outcomes. The updated plan is then presented at alternate delivery group meetings. A copy is also sent to the BCSP Board where the strategic lead for Community Safety raises any key aspects, requests, or blockages around its delivery.