Special educational provision

For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan). You will not be required to complete the Secondary transfer Common Application Form.

Please note if your child is still being assessed for an EHCP and does not yet have a finalised EHCP, you must complete the Secondary Transfer Common Application Form.

An annual review of your child’s EHC Plan will be arranged by your child’s current school. This will take place either in the second half of the summer term of Year 5 or in the first half of the autumn term of Year 6. You will be invited to attend this meeting and you will be asked which school or schools you would like to consider for your child. Your child’s case officer from Bexley’s Statutory Assessment (SEN) Team will also endeavour to attend this annual review or gather information following it.

The Statutory Assessment Team (SEN) has introduced a simplified version of the Common Application Form. All parents of young people with a finalised EHC Plans will receive this form and covering letter with information via their school SENCo, which is expected to be returned via email. All details are included on the form and letter.

Bexley’s Statutory Assessment Team and School Admissions Team will liaise to ensure that your preferred secondary school is identified and recorded. Bexley’s Statutory Assessment Team will liaise with your preferred school about its ability to meet your child’s special educational needs, as set out in his/her EHC Plan. Please note that preferences are considered but not guaranteed.

Once the processes have been completed, the Statutory Assessment Team will prepare a new amended EHC Plan in which the school that your child will attend will be named. You will have received a copy of the amended EHC Plan for approval before it is sent to schools.

If you have an enquiry concerning Special Educational Needs that is not covered here, you should contact the Statutory Assessment Team:

  • Statutory Assessment Team
    Education and Social Care
    London Borough of Bexley
    Civic Offices
    2 Watling Street
    DA6 7AT
  • telephone 020 3045 3311
  • email specialneeds.els@bexley.gov.uk