Appeal at 2 to 8 Danson Road, Bexleyheath

Planning appeal by Carebase Ltd against the refusal of planning permission by the London Borough of Bexley for the demolition of the existing dwellings and erection of a part 1/2/3 storey building to provide a 70-bedroom nursing home, with associated access alterations, car and cycle parking, landscaping and amenity space.

A public local inquiry into the appeal against the refusal of planning permission is due to open on Tuesday 13 December at the Civic Offices in Bexleyheath and is scheduled to last for 5 days. The Inspector, Mr G Davies, will hear evidence from the appellants and the Danson Neighbours Residents Group, before coming to a decision.  

The inquiry will make use of a library of Core Documents which can be found below.

Revised Documents
Ref Document
CD3.1 Heathfield Court Parking Survey (PDF)*
CD3.2 Energy Statement (November 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.3 Overheating Assessment (October 2020) (PDF)
CD3.4 Design and Access Statement Part 1 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 2 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 3 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 4 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 5 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 6 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 7 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 8 (September 2020) (PDF)*
Design and Access Statement Part 9 (September 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.5 Cushman & Wakefield letter re demographic analysis (October 2020) (PDF)
CD3.6 1003-P7 - Proposed Site Plan (October 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.7 3000-P10 - GA Ground Floor Plan (October 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.8 3001-P8 - GA First Floor Plan (March 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.9 3002-P8 - GA Second Floor Plan (March 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.10 3003-P7 - GA Lower Ground Floor Plan (March 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.11 3004-P3 - GA Roof Plan (March 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.12 3601-P5 - Proposed Elevations (October 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.13 3602-P1 - Refuse Store Plan and Elevation (October 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.14 12395-P09 - Boundary Treatment Plan (October 2020) (PDF)*
CD3.15 Designers’ Response – Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (PDF)*
CD3.16 Right Turn Mitigation Strategy (undated) (PDF)*
CD3.17 Highways Technical Note (March 2021) (PDF)*
CD3.18 190320-004-B - Proposed Internal Arrangements (February 2021) (PDF)*
CD3.19 Fire Statement Plans (May 2021) (PDF)
CD3.20 Draft Fire Statement Form (June 2021) (PDF)
CD3.21 190320-005 - Proposed Refuse Collection Strategy (August 2021) (PDF)*
CD3.22 Drainage Strategy (August 2021) (PDF)*
LBB Appeal Documents
Ref Document
CD5.3 Statement of Common Ground Signed (PDF)*
Appeal Process Documents
Ref Document
CD10.1 CMC Post Note (PDF)
CD10.2 Inquiry Programme (PDF)
S106 Agreement
Ref Document
CD12 S106 Agreement 1 (PDF)*
CD12 S106 Agreement 2 (PDF*

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* There are a number of documents in the list above which do not meet accessibility requirements. They have been clearly indicated where relevant.

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