Our Action Plan

Our climate change statement cuts across many other local strategies which deal with issues such as planning, housing, waste, air pollution and biodiversity

Climate statement action plan

Supporting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint helps our residents to live longer and healthier lives. Critically those who are more disadvantaged are often the people who suffer the effects of climate change most acutely.

Poor environmental health contributes to major diseases, including cardiac problems, asthma and cancer, as well as reducing people’s general well-being. That is why our climate change work is also closely linked with our public health work.

Climate change is an integral part of our Bexley Plan 2022 - 2026 which sets out our priorities and ambitions for the years ahead. By doing this we ensure that climate change issues are always at the very heart of our policymaking.

Part 1: Reducing emissions within our organisation’s direct control

These emissions are within the ability of the Council to control and for which we can take responsibility to reduce. We have not quantified the anticipated impact of this plan because these activities are foundation activities that are key to accelerating delivery later. An approach to measuring impact is in development.

Action Purpose of action Lead officer
Increase use of green/renewable energy sources to power the council owned estate. Carbon reduction Head of Property and Facilities Management
From 1 April 2023, improve the energy efficiency of let council-owned non-residential property by insisting on compliance with the Government’s Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards. Carbon reduction Head of Property and Facilities Management
Install priority site Automated Meter Readers (AMR) to improve the energy efficiency of the estate. Carbon reduction Head of Property and Facilities Management
As part of modernisation work to Council properties, explore cost effective options that could improve the energy efficiency of properties (using the recent conditions survey of properties, external funding where possible and long term capital programme). Carbon reduction Head of Property and Facilities Management
Pilot energy management devices in Council buildings. Carbon reduction Head of Property and Facilities Management
Waste Reducing and Recycling
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Tackle illegal depositing of waste in accordance with Bexley’s zero-tolerance policy for littering, fly-tipping and other environmental offences. Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Repair and refurbish recycling banks and bins rather than buying new. Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Increase the tonnage of recycling by staff within Civic Offices and reduce single-use plastic. Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
All council-run events to have adequate recycling facilities suitable for the event to be held Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Head of Property and Facilities Management
All council vehicles below 3.5 tonnes meet Euro 4 (NOx) standard if petrol driven and Euro 6 (NOx) standard if diesel driven
All Council vehicles over 3.5 tonnes meet Euro VI (NOx and PM)
Reduce air pollution
Carbon reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Increase non-residential recycling by improved coordinated working across the council Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Increase the number of reuses and loans of specialist equipment and adaptations by Bexley Integrated Community Equipment Service Waste reduction Head of Integrated Commissioning LD & PD
Carbon offsetting
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Continue to develop and use our Carbon Offset Fund to fund carbon offsetting projects that aim to deliver tangible carbon savings. Carbon reduction Head of Planning and Regulation
Publicly owned buildings
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Uphold green standards at Eltham Crematorium
Eltham’s cremators are 100% CO2 abated and programmed routine maintenance ensures optimum efficiency.
Carbon reduction Director of Place
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Encourage greener travel for staff:
  • council carpool scheme
  • interest-free season ticket and cycle loans
  • continue to use the staff travel plan to reduce single-occupancy car trips to and from the site
  • cycle parking is provided on-site
Carbon reduction and Improved air quality Deputy Director of Corporate Services
Trial the use of advanced/recycled highways materials. Roadways will be produced using recycled asphalt. This process is far less resource-intensive than using virgin materials. Material from old roadways can be recycled and included in the new surface. Waste and carbon reduction Head of Highways, Traffic & Infrastructure
Education and Awareness Raising
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Increase green awareness amongst staff by using Council communications. Carbon reduction Head of Communications and Marketing
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Review our Social Value Policy to include use of green / sustainability as an assessment criterion in the Council’s procurement process and raise skill level of officers in green procurement. Carbon reduction Head of Procurement
Minimising flood risk
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Drains in most urban areas were built many years ago and were not designed to cope with increased rainfall. Within improvements to the public realm, we will reduce storm water run-off and pressure on storm water sewers by using permeable surfacing that allows water to drain into them. Reduced flooding Head of Highways, Traffic & Infrastructure
Investigate the use of sustainable management of water resources through rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling within Council-owned buildings. Improved recycling Head of Property and Facilities Management
Parks and Open Spaces
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Prior to tendering grounds maintenance contracts, seek to reduce fossil fuel and chemical/pesticide usage and impact on biodiversity where it is cost-effective. Carbon reduction Head of Leisure, Parks and Open Space
Use plants that will attract wildlife, have a longer life span and require less water, energy, and tendering. Carbon reduction Head of Leisure, Parks and Open Space
Maintain and seek additional funds to retain and increase tree cover in parks, public land, and highways. Carbon reduction
Reduced rain run off
Head of Leisure, Parks and Open Space
For new projects in parks and green spaces, use best practice to assess any climate change impacts and to consider appropriate mitigation options where feasible. Carbon reduction
Reduced rain run off
Head of Leisure, Parks and Open Space
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Adopt an ethical investment strategy. The Bexley Pension Fund has appointed an investment consultant to help achieve its sustainability ambitions and to focus on climate risk management. Carbon reduction Director of Finance and Corporate Services

Part 2: Influencing others to reduce emissions that are not within our direct control

Those emissions that the Council does not directly control but can seek to encourage or influence others to reduce. We have not quantified the anticipated impact of this plan because these activities are foundation activities that are key to accelerating delivery later. An approach to measuring impact is in development.

Commitment 1 - Celebrate, Promote and Protect our Natural Environment

Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Apply policies within Bexley’s Development Plan including the Review and adoption of our new Local Plan, which sets out a vision and a framework for future development.

Our Local Plan includes:

  1. Promoting sustainable development within sustainable development locations (SP1 policy).
  2. Protecting and improving green infrastructure (open space and water spaces) within the borough (SP8).
  3. Promoting urban greening in new developments e.g. green space, green roofs, green walls (DP21).
  4. Encouraging net zero carbon emissions in new development and supporting initiatives that contribute to mitigation and adaption to climate change (SP14).
  5. Encourage development (residential and commercial) to achieve where possible appropriate energy reduction and water efficiency standards (DP30).
  6. Encouraging developments within the heat priority area to connect into the network (Cory ) (DP31).

Apply Development Plan to planning applications.

Monitor Development Plan (the monitoring can gather evidence for future policy, and support development management decisions).

Improve air quality
Reduce flooding
Carbon reduction
Head of Strategic Development
Air Quality
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Encourage improvements to air quality through:
  • the promotion of walking and cycling initiatives
  • completely revising and updating our Air Quality Action Plan. The focus of the plan is to encourage a shift towards more sustainable modes of transport
  • requiring Air Quality Impact Assessments (such as for proposals for major developments and new build developments in areas of sub-standard air quality)
  • monitoring stations are located at key points within the borough to measure air quality
Reduction in traffic congestion
Carbon reduction
Improved air quality
Head of Environmental Services
Minimising Flood Risk
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Apply the NPPF Sequential Test at all stages of planning where appropriate. The sequential test compares the site proposed to be developed with other available sites to find out which has the lowest flood risk. Where possible, new development will be steered towards sites with the lowest probability of flooding. Reduced flooding

Head of Strategic Planning

Head of Planning and Regulation

Apply the NPPF Exception Test to determine relevant applications for development. If the sequential test shows that it is not possible to use an alternative site, another test called the exception test could be required. The exception test will show how the development will manage the flood risk and that it will not increase flood risk elsewhere (as well as other factors). Reduced flooding

Head of Strategic Planning

Head of Planning and Regulation

Commitment 2 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Waste and Recycling
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Slow, stabilise and reverse the rate of growth of municipal waste. Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Improve residents and businesses participation in recycling by providing help, advice and information (with focus on those unaware or unwilling to recycle). Carbon reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Working in partnership with clothing reuse charity TRAID, we offer a free home collection scheme for all Bexley Households to donate clothes, shoes, or accessories they no longer wear. Residents can also include a small bag of broken small/medium-sized electrical items for recycling, such as kettles and toasters. Carbon reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Improve the reliability of the kerbside waste collection service and that recycled material collected is of high quality. Carbon reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Investigate the options for the pre-treatment of residual waste to reduce its biological content and therefore emissions generated from the decomposition of organic waste. Carbon reduction Head of Environmental Services
Encourage local businesses to evaluate and reduce the waste they produce by:
  • using the Council's service
  • producing an online business guide for waste
  • producing a newsletter for local businesses with top tips about reducing waste
  • linking with the Bexley Food Waste Team to encourage businesses to reduce food waste
Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Consider running Community Fridge schemes where donated food can be used by any resident. Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Provide free vouchers for eligible families to buy fruit, vegetables and milk via the Healthy Start Programme. Families may also be able to claim free vitamins. Waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Promote home composting and advise Bexley residents where they can get home composters at a discounted rate. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Reduce the quantity of textiles being disposed of within the Borough. Carbon reduction
Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Reduce the amount of household items being disposed of in the Borough that could have been repaired/ reused. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Help to reuse items that are being disposed of at the reuse and recycling centres - residents could donate or buy items for reuse. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Encourage families in the Borough of Bexley to use reusable nappies. Carbon reduction
Waste reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Increase the quantity of materials recycled through the Borough's two Reuse and Recycling Centres. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Increase the capacity of kerbside containers. Improved recycling Head of Environmental Services
Change the food boxes in the food waste recycling service to a larger capacity fox resistant type, as well as providing a food waste leaflet with all new food boxes.
Investigate including packaged food waste within the food recycling service.
Improved recycling Head of Environmental Services
Evaluate the recycling options to recycle all Christmas trees and ensure that all trees from the Annual Christmas Tree Festival are recycled. Improved recycling
Waste reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Trial ways to maximise recycling and reduce contamination in flats and flats above shops.
Work with the Planning service to include waste management as a key consideration for all new plans and for large new developments to consider underground banks.
Improved recycling
Waste reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Work with landlords to increase recycling at Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO's). Improved recycling Head of Environmental Services
The Engine House to provide adequate recycling facilities for businesses working from their building and to advise businesses where they can get recyclable products.
Work in partnership with BIDS to encourage recycling (including a potential hot drink cup recycle scheme in Bexleyheath town centre).
Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Work with local food businesses to increase the number that have food waste recycling.
Public Protection team to provide information on food waste whilst they inspect premises.
Improved recycling Head of Environmental Services
Replace boxes with wheeled bins that do not need to be emptied as frequently and have more capacity. Improved recycling Head of Environmental Services
Encourage residents and groups to litter pick in their local area.
Promoting and expanding our community litter pickers scheme across the borough that work with the Council to help keep their areas looking clean and tidy.
Improve the environment
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Promote a new anti-littering campaign which asks local residents to pledge to pick up at least one piece of plastic litter a week from the borough's streets (#Do it for Bexley Campaign). Improve the environment
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Provide local mini recycling sites to reduce travel distance for people wanting to recycle. Improve air quality
Improve recycling
Carbon reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Encourage more reuse and recycling of textiles. Carbon reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Reduce single use plastic bottles across the Borough and use external funding to install water fountains. Waste reduction
Carbon reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Promote the circular economy to local businesses where products are redesigned to be more durable, reusable, repairable, and recyclable, and kept in circulation for as long as possible. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Carbon reduction
Head of Environmental Services

Commitment 3 – Send no waste to landfill

No waste to landfill
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Send zero municipal waste to landfill Carbon reduction
Waste reduction
Head of Environmental Services

Commitment 4 - Enabling a greener economy

Economic Development and Skills
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Host business support events in partnership with external funders. Carbon reduction in the business sector Head of Economic Development and Skills
To allocate 125 Climate Essentials memberships to support SMEs to access a dynamic energy measurement platform, with 12 months’ free access to measure and track carbon and cost reductions. Carbon reduction in the business sector Head of Economic Development and Skills
Establish a training academy at the Engine House in partnership with LSEC to train young people with technical and carbon reduction skills in the construction industry. Carbon reduction within construction processes
Reduced waste
Head of Economic Development and Skills
Leverage new external funding opportunities such as UKSPF to help residents acquire new skills and retrain into good jobs with strong green credentials. Carbon reduction
Improved environment
Head of Economic Development and Skills
Leverage new external funding opportunities such as UKSPF to help local businesses optimise digital functionality and encourage adoption of carbon reducing measures in delivery of their business. Carbon reduction in the business sector Head of Economic Development and Skills
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Encourage electric vehicle use amongst the public by rolling out an installation programme of public electric charging points in town centres, car parks and residential streets.
Working closely with the taxi and private hire trade on the use and possible locations of hub-based rapid charging points. A programme to introduce slower, on-street charging points, located nearer to where people live is being developed.
Carbon reduction
Improved air quality
Head of Highways, Traffic & Infrastructure
Apply policies in Bexley’s Development Plan including the Review and adoption of our new Local Plan (which sets out a vision and a framework for future development), including encouraging new developers to provide facilities for walking, cycling, public transport and shared mobility/car clubs (DP22). Carbon reduction
Improved air quality
Head of Strategic Development
Apply the Development Plan to planning applications. Carbon reduction Head of Strategic Development
Monitor the Development Plan. The monitoring can gather evidence for future policy, and support development management decisions. Carbon reduction Head of Strategic Development

As set out in our Local Implementation Plan (LIP) to:

  • develop and deliver sustainable transport schemes within the Council’s programme of investment
  • liaise with public transport providers to identify and secure service improvements
  • work with partners on development and delivery of major public transport infrastructure schemes e.g. Crossrail, DLR, Bus Rapid Transit
  • promote behavioural change through travel awareness campaigns, travel plan and car clubs
Carbon reduction
Improved air quality
Healthier population
Head of Strategic Development
Travel planning for new developments – see above.
Offer support to schools to develop and update travel plans including a range of initiatives such as Walk on Wednesdays, walking week, scooter and cycle training and parking, park and walk/car free zone.
Carbon reduction
Reduction in traffic congestion
Head of Strategic Development
Use the Local Authority Transport Decarbonisation Toolkit to reduce emissions and to learn approaches from best practice. Carbon reduction Head of Strategy, Performance and Complaints

Commitment 5 - Empower our residents, businesses and partners to make positive changes

Empower our residents, businesses and partners
Action Purpose of action Lead Officer

Offer energy cafes. At our new weekly energy café at the Central Library, trained advisors will:

  • give residents independent advice on how to pay less for their electricity and gas
  • help to apply for discounts and grants
  • explain how to make homes more energy efficient
  • advise on energy debt
Greater awareness
Carbon reduction
Head of Libraries and Communities
Work with Cory Riverside Energy to encourage the use of the heat produced at the Belvedere Riverside Resource Recovery Ltd in a local district heating initiative or by a local business. Carbon reduction Head of Strategic Planning
Head of Planning and Regulation
To make best use of Government funding schemes for improving energy efficiency of existing buildings and addressing fuel poverty. Reduction of fuel poverty
Carbon reduction
Director of Place
Increase awareness amongst residents and local businesses. Greater awareness
Carbon reduction
Waste reduction
Head of Communications and Marketing
Give local residents easy access to tips for ways to reduce waste and reuse materials by promoting FREEGLE, uploading an online 'Household waste minimisation A-Z guide', giving community talks and using the Council website to give advice. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Communications and Marketing
Head of Environmental Services
Encourage children to recycle at home by providing free waste education to all schools in Bexley, new recycling bins, carrying out whole school assemblies and additional class activities Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Reduce the amount of edible food and drink thrown away in the residual waste collection service.
Encourage Council staff and residents to understand food waste and how to change buying habits to healthier alternatives.
Waste reduction
Food waste reduction
Head of Environmental Services
Run school workshops to give confidence and opportunity to use up leftovers in a practical session.
To promote food waste reduction by providing a measuring tool to help with portion sizes and leaflets and recipe cards at events.
Food waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Participate in the Food Flagship Initiative showing how food waste can be reduced in London. Food waste reduction Head of Environmental Services
Promote textile recycling by producing leaflet and posters, providing information in new residents’ information pack and run workshops on recycling. Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Head of Environmental Services
Promote Bexley Green Points, a scheme that rewards residents for reducing what they throw away to encourage more recycling. Improved recycling Head of Environmental Services
Reduce storm water run-off and pressure on surface water sewers by the use of permeable surfacing or by intercepting run off to resident’s driveways when highway cross-over requests are granted. Permeable surfacing allows water to drain into them reducing risk of flooding. Raised awareness
Reduce water run off
Improved environment
Head of Highways, Traffic & Infrastructure
Implement the three year South East London Green Plan 2022-2025 for the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS). Carbon reduction
Healthier population
Director of Adult Social Care and Health
The Bexley Local Care Partnership is developing a programme to reduce health inequalities by encouraging more exercise and reduction of obesity, which will also help to tackle climate change. Carbon reduction
Improved air quality
Healthier population
Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Using Cory’s Community Fund to support activities and projects that: Protect the local environment and support the circular economy. Build knowledge and awareness of the circular economy, recycling and waste management. Enhance Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics skills. Impacts local people in the community in other meaningful ways. Protect the environment
Waste reduction
Improved recycling
Director of Place

Commitment 6 - To keep an open mind and to go further when we can

Action Purpose of action Lead Officer
Review the commitments and action plan regularly. Carbon reduction Head of Strategy, Performance and Complaints