Sign up for garden waste collection

Advance notice

The garden waste software system is changing in March 2025. In order to migrate to the new system, we are currently changing direct debit dates to be in line with Customers garden waste contract renewal dates. You may have received notification from Access Pay Suite to advise of your date change, if applicable. Your direct debit will now be taken on the 28 day of the month prior to the renewal date of your garden waste contract.

You will receive a reminder giving you 14 days’ notice of your garden waste subscription contract renewal payment to allow you to cancel it if required. 

If you’re a keen gardener, we can take away your garden waste. We’ll deliver a bin you can use, and empty it every two weeks.

Not all homes in Bexley need this service, so it’s better value for everyone if we charge for this separately. If you do, you can sign up for a year at a time.

A year’s service costs £75 per year or £70 for Direct Debit customers. If you’ve got a very big garden, you can add on up to four extra bins at £55 each.

We'll collect

  • hedge and grass cuttings
  • weeds, plants and flowers
  • dead leaves and twigs
  • fallen fruit
  • christmas trees (no decorations, tree cut into 2 and placed next to Garden Waste bin)

We won’t collect

  • bagged waste (including dog poo bags)
  • food waste (you have another box for that)
  • plastic bags, plant pots, labels, and cut flower cellophane
  • manure, dog poo, cat litter, or pet bedding
  • soil, stones, gravel or rubble
  • fences, MDF or treated wood
  • large branches or logs over 6cm in diameter
Garden waste service - Direct Debit

Most people pay for their garden waste service online using Direct Debit

Sign up using Direct Debit, and we’ll drop the cost of your first bin to £70. Any extra bins cost £55 each, and you can have up to 5.

Sign up today

Managing your account

Existing users - managing your account

Renew and manage your subscription by simply logging in to your account.

Log in to your account 

Your questions answered

How does it work?

You sign up and pay, we send you a bin within 10 days and then we empty it every other week. If it turns out you need more than one bin, you can add up to four more at a discounted rate.

Most people sign up online, but you can also call us on 020 8303 7777.

You’ll have an online account you can use to add new bins, keep your address updated, renew and cancel the service.

How much does it cost?

It’s £75 for the whole year. We’ll give you a Brown wheelie bin and empty it every other week with a break at Christmas, so you get 25 collections.

If you pay by Direct Debit, we take £5 off of your total price.

You can add on up to four more bins for £55 each. You can do that at any time, but you’ll need to renew on the same date as you do for your first bin.

What can I put in my garden waste bin?

see below, we’ll collect most types of garden waste except soil, stone and large branches or logs. Please don’t mix in food waste as it makes it impossible for our recycling centres to process your garden waste.

We’ll collect

  • hedge and grass cuttings
  • weeds, plants and flowers
  • dead leaves and twigs
  • fallen fruit

We won’t collect

  • food waste (you have another box for that)
  • plastic bags or plant pots
  • manure, dog poo or pet bedding
  • soil, stones, gravel or rubble
  • fences, MDF or treated wood
  • logs or branches longer than 6cm

We collect food waste weekly as part of our standard service.

How do I renew?

If you pay by Direct Debit, we’ll renew your service automatically after a year (just let us know in good time if you don’t want this to happen).

If you pay any other way, you’ll need to renew it yourself. We’ll send you a letter to remind you when it’s getting near the renewal date. Most people do this online but you can call us on 020 8303 7777.

What happens if I move?

If you move within Bexley, get in touch and we can make sure your service moves with you. You just need to take the bin with you.

If you move away from Bexley, you must:

  • cancel the service
  • let us know you won’t be renewing but you are happy for the year to be finished

You’ll have paid for the year upfront either way, and we don’t do partial refunds.

Can I cancel at any time?

If it’s the first time you’ve signed up, you can cancel and get a full refund in the first 14 days. After that, we’ll cancel your account but no refund will be given to make up for the cost of starting and stopping your account.

If you’re partway through the year but don’t need the service anymore, you can cancel online or give us a call on 020 8303 7777. We don’t do partial refunds.

We’ll take away your bin(s) within 10 days of you letting us know you’re cancelling.

Why do you charge?

Garden waste collection isn’t something that everyone in Bexley needs. It works out better value for everyone if we charge for it separately (something other boroughs do as well).

You can still take garden waste to the Thames Road or Foots Cray recycling centres for free. Or you can get a reduced price bin at and make your own compost.

Please don’t burn your garden waste. It adds to air pollution and is a nuisance to your neighbours. It’s much more environmentally friendly to sign up for our service, make your own compost or use a recycling centre.

Terms and conditions

  1. This agreement is made between the resident (‘the Customer’) and The London Borough of Bexley (‘the Council’) of Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT and sets out the terms and conditions under which the Customer may use the Council’s garden waste fortnightly collection service (‘the Service’).
  2. Collections for the Garden Waste Service will occur every two weeks, apart from the Christmas and New Year period when there will be 4 weeks between collections. Details of the suspension dates over the Christmas/New Year period will be advertised on
  3. We reserve the right to suspend services, without prior notice if circumstances beyond our control prevent our ability to collect. We will always endeavour to collect as soon as possible or ensure a double collection is put in place for the next collection if appropriate.
  4. Customer subscriptions to the garden waste service last for 12 months. Your subscription will start 14 days after you sign up for the service.
  5. The subscription consists of an annual charge to the Customer of £75 or £70 if you pay by DD which is valid until 31 March 2025. Subscription rates are reviewed annually, and any revised charge will apply to your next subscription renewal following the introduction of the new rates in April.
  6. Any payments that are made late after the contract renewal date, including those which result in bin removals, will have the service restored back to the original renewal date. The Council reserves the right to charge £20 for the bin redelivery costs.
  7. The Service will provide a 240-litre wheeled bin (‘the Wheeled bin’) to facilitate garden waste collections. Wheeled bins shall be kept on the premises stated when the Customer ordered the Service.
  8. The container(s) remain the property of the Council at all times. If the bin becomes faulty it is the responsibility of the resident to report the fault to the Council who will provide a replacement. If the fault is due to misuse, then you may be charged for the supply of the new bin.
  9. Residents who have larger gardens may subscribe to multiple Wheeled Bins, each payable at £55. Up to four additional bins can be applied for. The renewal date for all bins will be the date you originally set up your first subscription.
  10. The Council will only collect garden waste that is presented in the designated paid for wheeled bins that are provided as part of the service. The Council will not collect garden waste presented in any other container(s).
  11. Customers who move property within the Borough may take their garden waste subscription with them but must take their bin with them and notify the Council of their new address. If they do not take their bin with them they will be charged for a new subscription at their new address.
  12. Garden waste can only be placed loose in the container. No plastic or paper bags of any kind are to be placed in the container.
  13. Customers are required to present garden waste in their garden waste wheeled bin with the lid closed. By shutting the lid odours will be contained, and there will be less damage caused to lids whilst being mechanically emptied. Additional waste outside of the wheeled bin (side waste) will not be collected.
  14. An assisted collection service is available for those residents eligible for an assisted waste and recycling collection. Please call the Contact Centre on 020 8303 7777 to arrange this.
  15. Wheeled Bins containing unacceptable materials will not be collected. It is the responsibility of the householder to remove the items prior to the next collection. If a bin continues to contain unacceptable material the householder will be contacted by The London Borough of Bexley and offered advice on using this service. If this continues the bin will be removed and collections will cease without any refund.
  16. Customers may use the Service for the collection of all items of household garden waste. See list of acceptable and unacceptable materials for this collection service shown below:

    Yes please:

    • hedge cuttings
    • grass cuttings
    • weeds
    • garden plants
    • flowers
    • dead leaves
    • twigs
    • fallen fruit

    No thanks:

    • food waste
    • plastic bags
    • manure and pet bedding
    • soil, stones, gravel and rubble
    • fences, MDF or treated wood
    • dog faeces
    • plastic plant pots
    • large branches or logs over 6cm in diameter
  17. Your wheeled bin needs to be left on the front edge of your property (within 1 metre of your property boundary) for collection. If you do not have enough space at the front of your property your bins may be left on the pavement for collection if they do not cause an obstruction. They must be taken in again as soon as they are emptied and must not be left on the pavement at any other time.
  18. All garden waste wheeled bins are to be put out at the boundary of your property by 6am. If your bin is not placed out on time it will not be collected until the next scheduled collection day.
  19. The London Borough of Bexley reserves the right not to empty a bin that in its opinion poses a health and safety risk to operatives. This includes heavy bins which residents will be required to reduce the weight of before they are emptied. If bins continue to present a health and safety concern the householder will be contacted by The London Borough of Bexley and offered advice on using this service. If this continues the bin will be removed and collections will cease without any refund.
  20. Collections are made on your allocated day but may be subject to change due to Public Holidays and exceptional circumstances. The London Borough of Bexley reserves the right to alter your collection day.
  21. If your collection is missed please report it online or via the Contact Centre on 020 8303 7777 and ask for garden waste.
  22. Customers wishing to share a bin must register the membership to one property and the bin must be left outside this property for collection. Residents wishing to share a bin must make one payment for the whole cost of the membership.
  23. Customers will be sent a membership renewal email/letter at least 4 weeks before the expiry of their current garden waste subscription. If the subscription is not renewed, then the London Borough of Bexley will remove the bin.
  24. Customers must inform us if any of their contact details have changed to ensure that their record is correct.
  25. Direct Debit Customers will have their payment date changed to match the same month as their service renewal where necessary to ensure that we receive the money for renewal when required.

Customers right to cancel the Service

If purchasing the Service for the first time, the customer has 14 calendar days from the day after they sign up for a membership to cancel the Service and receive a full refund, notice of which must be made by going to Renewing and managing your garden waste account or phoning the contact centre on 020 8303 7777.

You may leave the service at any time by notifying The London Borough of Bexley who will collect your empty bin within 14 calendar days. However, if you wish to cancel this contract outside of the 14 calendar days then unless we are in breach of any of its terms we have the right to retain all of the annual fee as a contribution towards any losses or costs that we incur as a result of your cancellation.

DD customers must cancel the service at least 7 days before your next payment is due to ensure that it is stopped in time. Failure to cancel your service may incur additional charges.

Your decision to cancel your existing service agreement will not affect your right to apply for a new service agreement in the future, however, we reserve the right to charge £20 for the bin removal/delivery costs if you do so within a period of 6 months.

GDPR Compliance Statement

The information that you provide as a member of the Garden Waste Service will be collected by the Council as data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. The purpose of collecting your information is to assist with the delivery of the Service and to inform you of other services provided by the Council.

Any personal information will be shared with the Council’s contractor(s) in delivering the Service. The Council may be required to pass on the information you have provided to other bodies for administrative purposes and as required by law.

Your information will only be retained for as long as required for these purposes.

By providing this information you are consenting to its use as detailed.

You can read more about the use of your personal information on the Privacy Notice page.

Home compost bins

Composting is good for your garden, but it is also good for the environment. If you're interested in purchasing home compost bins, we have teamed up with Get Composting to offer special rates on compost bins, water butts and a whole range of accessories.

Bexley factsheet guide to recycling

A to Z of recycling

Most household goods can be recycled and made into new things. Find out what can be recycled and where with our A to Z of recycling.

Check how to recycle your items