Fostering Together - caring people need care too
Are you as passionate about helping children and young people as we are? Bexley has been rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted for the second time in a row. If you are considering fostering or would like to transfer, why not join our Ofsted-rated ‘Outstanding’ service?
We understand that fostering can be both challenging and rewarding. We have developed ‘Fostering Together’ to ensure our foster carers receive the support they deserve to help our children in their care.
Fostering Together
Fostering Together provides children, young people, foster carers and their families, with a caring and resilient fostering community, where supportive relationships can be built through extended family networks.
Who’s involved?
Each Fostering Together community is made up of approximately 6-8 fostering families who are viewed as extended members of the Core Carers home.
The Core Carer is an experienced foster carer who leads the community, offering foster families, peer support, guidance, knowledge, and experience; alongside, social activities and sleepovers. Helping to strengthen relationships and empower families to support each other.
If you work and are worried about how fostering could fit into your life Fostering Together is the ideal for you.
Our foster carers have told us that there are lots of benefits of belonging to a Fostering Together community.
Meet our Core Carers and hear their voice!
Be a supporting foster carer by joining the Fostering Together community
With increased support available to them, the general well-being of children and young people in care improves.
Supporting foster carers significantly contributes to the development of support systems for foster children and their families. You would be making an invaluable contribution to foster carers and the children under their care if you chose to become a supporting foster carer for Bexley.
We provide our supporting foster carers with extensive training and development opportunities, helping them to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to have a positive influence on a child’s life.
It’s also an opportunity to evaluate if you might consider working as a full-time foster carer in the future.
Join our Fostering Together community
Fostering Together
Together, let’s foster a better future.