Advertising board licence

Getting an Advertising Board licence

  • applications must be made in writing (including by electronic means)
  • you will need to provide specific information, including details of the area you wish to use to place out Advertising Boards
  • all required information is set out in the application available in the Advertising Board application form (PDF)
  • you must comply with any conditions attached to a licence

Advertising board conditions of licence

1. A detailed plan and photographs must be provided to the Council clearly showing the area you wish to use (including dimensions), The A-Board must remain within the designated area at all times.

2. The A-Board shall be positioned in accordance with our requirements and agreed by the Council. It should not impede the surface water drainage of the highway or obstruct access to any premises.

3. The licence owner will be charged fees of £47.50 if, following a routine inspection, any infringements of the licence, or problems arising out if the use of the site are found. Any additional visits to the site, which have to be carried out by Officers from the Local Authority, will be charged at £47.50 per site inspection.

4. Any infringements of the licence or problems arising out of the use of the site must be immediately rectified to the satisfaction of the Council and the Council reserve the right to terminate a licence without notice.

5. No A-Board shall be left on the highway longer than is necessary, and in any event shall be removed or repositioned if required by a Police Officer or Officer from the Local Authority. The A-Board shall be taken inside and stored during the hours when business is not trading or where other conditions are imposed by the Council.

6. No A-Board shall remain on the highway pursuant to this permission after the period of this permit has expired.

7. The owner will hold Public Liability Insurance to indemnify the London Borough of Bexley up to the value of £5 million against liability, loss or damage, claim of proceeding whatsoever arising under Statute or Common Law in respect of the placing of temporary obstructions on the highway or their removal therefrom. The applicant is required to submit proof of this insurance prior to the licence being issued.

8. No A-Board is to be sited where it leaves less than 1.3m unobstructed footway. The advertising board should be an ‘A’ frame or solid base design, freestanding and not attached to street furniture.

9. Depending on the site location, there may be additional local arrangements or conditions to adhere to. If so, these will be sent out with your licence.

10. All licenses commence from 1st April. The licence is valid for a maximum of one year and must be renewed annually upon expiry if the applicant wishes to continue using it.

11. No A-Board is to be placed on the public highway until permission has been granted by the Council.

Eligibility criteria to get an Advertising Board licence

  • you must be over 17 years of age to hold a licence
  • applicants need to have:
    • third-party insurance of minimum £5,000,000
    • the area of the public highway where the Advertising Board/s are to be placed must be sufficient to allow at least 1.3m of unobstructed footway
  • normally applicants will be restricted to one Advertising Board, however, permission may be granted for up to three Advertising Boards, subject to certain criteria

The regulations

Find out more information about the regulations relating to this licence.

What the application evaluation process is

  • applications should be submitted with the appropriate fee
  • fees are charged for each Advertising Board
  • applications will be assessed for eligibility upon receipt and an Officer will contact the applicant within five working days to arrange to meet on-site where necessary
  • once granted, the licence will be sent by post to the applicant
  • processing of a licence will usually take up to five working days

Fees and charges

  • annual rate £71
  • 1/2 yearly rate £46